ID presentation and screening

Users may be asked to present identification (e.g., driver’s license) before and after membership. In addition, during membership registration, manual permission is granted by the administrator, and only authorized users can access the online salon. Uploading ID Reveal the identity of your members Before or after registering as a member of the Online Salon, you …

Membership Card Display

Members can display their membership cards from their own My Page. A “”membership card”” system will be developed and implemented to allow members to present their membership rank and other basic information to external parties. Example of membership card system implementation Members can prove their membership rank to external parties and receive privileges Although it …

Automatic step mail delivery

The system automatically sends an e-mail to members every fat day after they join. Explanation of Step Mail Automatic delivery of emails according to membership rank after new members join The system automatically sends out emails according to the membership rank, as scheduled by the administrator. The system can be used as a means of …

Matching in Membership Website

We build a matching system (business type or introduction of the opposite sex type) based on your requirements. Building a Matching System By building a matching system on the Membership Website, you can use a management system for new member registration, subscription payment model (if your main business is matching, you can limit it to …

Story Submissions

Stories can be posted and displayed. Submit Stories on the Membership Website You can submit stories. (Stories posted will be automatically deleted in 24 hours. For detailed specifications, please contact us for a free quotation. *The image is a construction image. Unique specifications can be implemented The specifications and design desired by the business can …

Progressive Web Apps(PWA)

A membership website PWA is a system that allows a website to be used like a native smartphone application (an application that can be downloaded from the iPhone App Store or Android Google Play Store). Compared to native apps, there is no need for screening or updating, and introduction can be done smoothly. Equivalent functionality …

Member Community Creation

Members can create communities and participate freely. Community System UI Image Members create and participate in communities spontaneously By introducing a community system, it is possible to activate the community without burdening the administrator, and by setting restrictions based on membership rank, it is possible to differentiate between free members and paying members. Initial Requirements: …

Timeline format display

Implement the timeline system. Build Salon Timeline UI design image Display posts in timeline format Display posts and contents in a timeline format in chronological order. It can be disabled at any time from the administration screen. Designs are also available on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us for more information.

Vimeo™️ Linkage

Embed Vimeo™️ API to embed videos and live streaming. Example of Vimeo embedding implementation Embed videos uploaded to Vimeo™️. Videos uploaded to Vimeo™️ can be deployed as Membership Website content. The embedded videos can be restricted in detail by initial requirements, such as “”only gold members can view”” and “”anyone can view””, respectively. Viewing restrictions …