Members can have their own My Page.
Automatic Creation of Member’s My Page
When a member registers for membership, a “My Page” is automatically created.
From their My Page, members can change their membership rank (change to paid membership), cancel membership, manage their favorites/followers, change their e-mail address and password, and perform various other actions.
This eliminates the need for members to apply to the administrator each time, and contributes to a significant reduction in the administrator’s workload.
Members can be viewed in the member list.
When a member registers his/her My Page, he/she can search My Page.
Members can send direct messages to other members and follow each other. This is a great way to stimulate interaction and help with SEO.
Upload documents that can be reviewed by the administrator.
Members can upload documents such as ID cards from their own My Page.
Uploaded documents can be checked by the administrator from the management screen and specific actions can be taken, such as manually manipulating member ranks or sending chat room passwords.
*This requirement is an example of construction.
Members can edit their own profiles.
Online salon members can edit their own profiles (display name, address, password) from their own My Page, eliminating the need for administrators to do so each time.